Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Loosing our Freedom

Did you Vote in the Oklahoma State Primary? I'm going to get on my soap box here. 

It is the loud minority that has a voice because ~ they get out and vote. Conservatives are notorious for being just that ~ conservative in act and deed. The Conservative person has spent years refining their lifestyle becoming more and more quiet and reserved. However, this personality trait will be the doom of the Conservative... it will be their march into slavedom. Yes, your read me right, Slavedom. 

Yesterday's turnout at the Primary was atrocious! Tulsa County has 13% turn out Rogers County had about 20%. 

Let's break it down...In the Republican races about 8K voters our of 25K made the decision on the Sheriff and County Clerk races... That's 34% of registered Republicans.Where were the other 66%? 

"WOW" ?

You may think that's awesome... really? That's not even a passing grade. We have 54,000 people registered to vote in Rogers County. Less than 13,000 voted. What a shame on us the American voter. 

WE have a Right to VOTE... a right that has been bought with a blood sacrifice of our forefathers. If that doesn't make the hair stand up on the back of your neck think of it this way... 

God gave us a gift of allowing us to be born in this great Nation ... We could have been born under a flag of totalitarian rule, instead he granted us birth in a Nation that allowed for freedoms like no other.
 What are we going to do with the freedom we have been blessed with? Squander our freedom because we don't want to take the time to learn about the candidates...because we don't want to stop our busy life for a few minutes to cast a ballot? 

We are a generation of spoiled brats. Give me give me give me. Me me me.... 

The last generation that truly had to sacrifice for us to retain our freedom are those who lived during WWII. What are we doing to keep our freedom intact for the next generation? the generation of our children and grandchildren?

There is an opportunity to vote again in August and in November. Will you take the time to educate yourself and your family on the issues and candidates? Remember it's not just your Freedom you are throwing away when you don't vote but that of the next generation!

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