Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pledging Allegiance ~ What Does it Mean?

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.

Where did this pledge come from and what was the intention of the writer? In 1892 Francis Bellamy, composed this pledge and published it in a children's magazine, so children could feel a sense of pride and thereby encourage them to love their country.

I have to wonder if today, we as citizens of this great Nation really understand what we are pledging our allegiance to ~ what does it mean when we say the words of this pledge? It should be more than lip service, more than empty words.

It is an oath of loyalty. It is a promise to be true to follow and obey and never to renounce, desert, or betray. We are pledging our faithfulness to our Flag which is a representation, a symbol of our country. It is a loyalty for which our armed forces are willing to lay their life on the line, so that we may continue to be free.

These United States of America are states that bound themselves together for a common purpose. That common purpose was to create a country where the people choose others to make laws for them —a government for the people, by the people.

Our Republic stands upon the foundation set up by our forefathers represented by our flag, Old Glory. Together we are One Nation designed to be ruled by its citizens in a representative government.

In a republic we have the right to speak freely and vote for our leaders who run the government. In our republic, we also live in democracy (democracy means the people run the country and they make the laws.)

The phrase "Under God" acknowledges the dependence of our people and our Government upon a supernatural being. We are creatures who are indebted to our creator who granted us certain inalienable rights.
We are Indivisible, we are a country that does not want to be split into parts—this stands as a reminder of  the Civil War. It should also remind us that We The People are of many ethnic and cultural backgrounds who all have a common dream. It is the "liberty and justice for all" that binds our Nation. That Liberty and Justice is a balance between equality and individual freedom.  This is the most important part of the Pledge. This means everyone should be treated fairly and all citizens should be entitled to the same freedoms

We are the United States of America ~ and when we recite this pledge, we should feel the impact of these words from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet. Together we as a Nation stand as one, we are entitled to speak our hearts to have a difference of opinion. Yet it is these words that should unite us ~  we have the same dream of our forefathers ~ to live in a nation without tyranny. A Nation that gives justice fairly to all its citizens.

Next time you lay your hand over your heart and recite the pledge, remember that the words you are reciting came at a cost. These words should resonate within your heart before they pass through your lips.

Enjoy this Independence Day!